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14-01-2017, 00:22 door choi

Aanvulling op 23:48 Over het uitschakelen van javaScript om zo de gebruiker zou beschermen tegen fingerprintingtechnieken staat er op browserprint.info het volgende: A quick query of our database found that out of 2104 submitted fingerprints where JavaScript was disabled 1372 were unique, that means 65.2% of fingerprints with JavaScript disabled were still unique, and that's without the scriptless tests that we're planning but haven't implemented yet such as scriptless ad-blocking checking and a scriptless version of the char sizes test. This just goes to show that disabling JavaScript is not a silver bullet, it should probably be combined with using a browser such as IceCat that has some fingerprinting defences. In summary we don't recommend this technique. m.a.w, ook zonder JavaScript lijkt het mogelijk voldoende data te verzamelen om de gebruiker te identificeren middels fingerprinting. https://browserprint.info/blog/fingerprintingDefence

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