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09-08-2017, 17:15 door Anoniem

Niet zo snel. Ten eerste heeft LoJack een antidiefstaloplossing die, met behulp van iets wat in BIOS'en van de nodige fabrikanten is ingebouwd, factory resets en herinstalleren van OS'en overleeft: https://lojack.absolute.com/en/persistent Heel interessant: Absolute Persistence is built into the BIOS or firmware of a device during the manufacturing process. Once activated, customers who purchase these devices benefit from an extra level of security. View a list of devices that support Absolute persistence. When you install Absolute LoJack, you're installing the Absolute DDS® Agent that will activate Persistence. It is very difficult to detect and is virtually tamper-proof. The Agent will contact the Absolute Monitoring Center via the Internet at regular intervals. s/Absolute/NSA/g

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