Abuse Melding

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17-10-2023, 12:56 door Anoniem

Door Reinder: Ik denk dat wat je zoekt privacy.resistFingerprinting en/of privacy.FingerprintingProtection is. Security theater The practice of taking measures to provide the feeling of improved security while doing little or nothing to achieve it. We recommend against trying to achieve browser privacy and security through piling on browser extensions and modifications. Most privacy features for browsers are privacy theater without a clear threat model and these features often reduce privacy by aiding fingerprinting and adding more state shared between sites. Every change you make results in you standing out from the crowd and generally provides more ways to track you. Enumerating badness via content filtering is not a viable approach to achieving decent privacy, just as AntiVirus isn't a viable way to achieving decent security. These are losing battles, and are at best a stopgap reducing exposure while waiting for real privacy. https://grapheneos.org/usage#web-browsing

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