Abuse Melding

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09-12-2008, 11:56 door Warrior of the Wasteland

Eigenlijk zou er dus standaard een 'Mobile Phone Blocking Bag' moeten zitten in de uitrusting van een security official, want zo'n 'bag' kost nog geen 5 euro, en is een stuk handiger dan alufolie: Nifty and simple gadget for blocking your cell phone from receiving mobile calls. Your number appears as Unavailable or Network Busy for the person calling you. The bag also includes and extra pocket for money or your favorite phone accessory. Works with all networks and is extremely easy to use. Simply place your phone into the bag and all calls to you will not get through. Great for meetings, hospitals, and those people wanting to protect their privacy. Linkie: http://www.chinavasion.com/product_info.php/pName/mobile-phone-blocking-bag/

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