Abuse Melding

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11-05-2010, 16:48 door Bitwiper

Aanvulling: het feit dat beveiligingssoftware privilege escalation attacks mogelijk maakt (en de makers van die beveiligingssoftware doen alsof dat niet boeiend is) lijkt door McAfee te worden bevestigd in http://www.h-online.com/security/news/item/New-attack-bypasses-anti-virus-software-997621.html McAfee has told The H's associates at heise Security that it considers a successful attack to be unlikely in practice. Effectively manipulating an argument during a context switch would require a great many attempts, which would likely result in a blue screen of death. Furthermore, malware has to have already penetrated a system in order to be able to carry out this attack. The argument switching attack would only allow it to escalate its privileges – that's if it doesn't already have administrator privileges due to the unfortunate habit of users working as administrators. Kortom, malware welke nog niet middels definities wordt herkend (en die is simpel te maken) en die door een unprivileged user wordt ...

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