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22-04-2012, 19:03 door Bitwiper

Door Anoniem: En dan maakt Apple reclame omdat in hun systeem G E E N virussen kunnen. xDIDD, uit http://www.apple.com/why-mac/faq/: Is a Mac safe from PC viruses? Yes. The OS X operating system isn’t susceptible to the thousands of viruses plaguing Windows-based computers. And although no computer connected to the Internet is completely immune to all viruses and spyware, OS X has built-in defenses designed with your safety in mind. The Mac web browser, Safari, alerts you whenever you’re downloading an application — even if it’s disguised as a picture or movie file. And Apple continually makes free security updates available for Mac owners. You can even have them download automatically.Dan moeten die free security updates wel bijtijds beschikbaar worden gesteld natuurlijk, en moeten de meeste Mac gebruikers eerst nog even beseffen dat ze daadwerkelijk updates moeten installeren c.q. automatic updates aanzetten...

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