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22-01-2013, 20:50 door choi

Door Barrymore: Netwerkpakketjes voor mega.co.nz gaan vooralsnog gewoon via een Amerikaanse connectivity provider (Cogent), hoewel de servers inderdaad in Duitsland lijken te staan. Klopt. Het zal echter niet bij Cogent blijven. The Mega business plan will be a distributed model, with hundreds of companies large and small around the world hosting files. A hosting company can be huge or it can own just two or three servers, Dotcom said—just as long as it’s located outside the US. That's all down the road, however. For now, Mega is launching with just one, professional, hosting operator—a subsidiary of Cogent, based in Dotcom's home country of Germany. Dotcom said he needed a rock-solid setup for the launch and an operator who could rapidly scale if traffic and hosting requirements suddenly go through the roof after the January 20 launch http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/01/building-mega-ars-pre-launch-interview-with-kim-dotcom/

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