Abuse Melding

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22-08-2014, 09:45 door PietdeVries

Door rufus-1.4.9.exe: dit zou moeten werken. http://www.safebro.com/synolocker-virus-remove Die link verspreidt klinkklare onzin! Quote van de site: Symptoms and risks of being hijacked by SynoLocker ransomware This malware enters into your computer without your knowledge It corrupts registry, blocks certain softwares and utilities It pretends to be a Cyber department of Police Warns you of illegal activities, it says you have been violating copyright and other related laws It blocks you from doing anything with your computer, puts a fake ransom warning on desktop and makes computer unusable It scares you with fake notices and demands you to pay a fine by sending money via ukash or paysafecard etc Nog een quote - nu hoe je zogenaamd het virus moet verwijderen: Stop malicious process: Open Task Manager and delete; [random-chars].exe Remove SynoLocker registry settings: Open REGEDIT from RUN in the Start menu and find keys associated with this malware. Delete SynoLocker ...

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