Abuse Melding

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13-01-2015, 17:13 door Erik van Straten

13-01-2015, 14:23 door Anoniem: 13-01-2015, 14:06 door Erik van Straten: Mooier kun je het "bewijs" dat NK achter de Sony-hack zit niet onderuit halen... Dit artikel zegt bar weinig over de Sony hack. Dat een host compromised kan zijn, dat weten we allemaal. Allemaal? Uit http://www.wired.com/2015/01/fbi-director-says-north-korean-hackers-sometimes-failed-use-proxies-sony-hack/: By Andy Greenberg, 07-01-2015: “In nearly every case, [the Sony hackers known as the Guardians of Peace] used proxy servers to disguise where they were coming from in sending these emails and posting these statements. But several times they got sloppy,” FBI director James Comey said. “Several times, either because they forgot or because of a technical problem, they connected directly and we could see that the IPs they were using…were exclusively used by the North Koreans.” “They shut it off very quickly once they saw the mistake,” he added. “But not before we saw where it was coming from.” Daarnaast blijkt de ...

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