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09-01-2002, 16:47 door HyBriD VorTeX

Originally posted by GeneralFailure 2 entries found for elite. Main Entry: elite Pronunciation: A-'lEt, i-, E- Function: noun Etymology: French élite, from Old French eslite, from feminine of eslit, past participle of eslire to choose, from Latin eligere Date: 1823 1 a singular or plural in construction : the choice part : CREAM <the elite of the entertainment world> b singular or plural in construction : the best of a class <superachievers who dominate the computer elite -- Marilyn Chase> c singular or plural in construction : the socially superior part of society <how the elite live -- A P World> <how the F.-speaking elite ... was changing -- Economist> d : a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence <members of the ruling elite> <the intellectual elites of the country> e : a member of such an elite -- usually used in plural <the elites ..., pursuing their studies in Europe -- Robert Wernick> 2 : a typewriter type providing 12 characters to the ...

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