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30-01-2016, 14:30 door Anoniem

Goed initiatief van Mozilla! Voor Google Chrome is dit ook te controleren met twee fijne extensies. "Safer Chrome" waarchuwt hier voor hetzelfde: Bijvoorbeeld hier: NineForNews.nl - Vrij en onafhankelijk nieuws padlock icon -www.ninefornews.nl Alerts (1) Insecure login (1) Password will be transmited in clear to -http://www.ninefornews.nl/sponsors/login Infos (1) Encryption (HTTPS) (1) Communication is NOT encrypted Statistics Images 0 External JS 0 Background images 0 External CSS 0 Objects (Ex: Flash...) 0 IFrames 0 En dan is er "Tracker SSL": 62% of the trackers on this site could be protecting you from NSA snooping. Tell -ninefornews.nl to fix it. Unique IDs about your web browsing habits have been insecurely sent to third parties. v1%3a144339xxxxx2714185 Twitter guest_id -local.adguard.com __cfduid At least 16 third parties know you are on this webpage. Automattic Google Automattic Automattic -connect.facebook.net Facebook Twitter Google Google -Amazon.com Google -www.ninefornews.nl ...

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