Abuse Melding

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25-10-2016, 11:21 door Vixen

Door Rinjani: Het test programma van de te downloaden apk op maximale agressie gezet. Het is nu al een klein kwartiertje aan het 'hameren' maar vindt niks. Blijkbaar is mijn telefoon niet kwetsbaar. . Ai ai ai... Geen symptomen betekend absoluut niet dat er niets aan de hand is / dat je niks hebt / dat je niet kwetsbaar bent... Your phone might still be vulnerable, even if the app detected zero flips! There are two main reasons for this. First, our current implementation of address selection is conservative: we recently discovered that the current code is only hammering half of the rows on a Nexus 5. On your device, the DRAM geometry might be different enough for our app to completely fail selecting addresses for double-sided rowhammer. Second, the app may only have tested a very small fraction of your DRAM. Ideally, a single run takes at least an hour and scans a couple hundred of MB. The current code already tries to free as much memory as possible to hammer (affected by the aggressiveness factor), but ...

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