Abuse Melding

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22-11-2016, 18:28 door Anoniem

Over de veiligheid van Google Chrome: Door Chris Evans [1]: Let’s be clear: Google Chrome is the most secure of the common general purpose browsers out there. It has had more effort and money put into sandboxing, code quality, mitigations, fuzzing and community security involvement than the other browsers. This is all backed by a large, strong security team -- the largest monetary investment of the major browser vendors, which speaks volumes. "Wij van WC eend..." Tuurlijk zorgt Google met Chrome héééél goed dat je privacy gegevens uitsluitend en alleen maar langs Google gaan. De vraag is alleen of je dit nou "veilig" mag noemen... Microsoft Edge is al net zo, alleen dan gaan er dus pricacy gegevens naar Microsoft.

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