Abuse Melding

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20-12-2016, 11:25 door Anoniem

Media en politici werken maar al te graag mee. Het is bizar dat terrorisme zoveel aandacht krijgt. Dat is precies wat Terroristen willen. Het leidt alleen maar de aandacht af van de werkelijke problemen. En wie zich zorgen maakt over terrorisme. Kijk eens waar mensen echt aan dood gaan... Bruce Schneier zegt het mooi: Terrorism causes fear, and we overreact to that fear. Our brains aren't very good at probability and risk analysis. We tend to exaggerate spectacular, strange and rare events, and downplay ordinary, familiar and common ones. We think rare risks are more common than they are, and we fear them more than probability indicates we should. Our leaders are just as prone to this overreaction as we are. But aside from basic psychology, there are other reasons that it's smart politics to exaggerate terrorist threats, and security threats in general. https://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2013/05/its_smart_politics_t.html

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