Abuse Melding

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31-01-2017, 03:31 door Anoniem

Door Anoniem: 4 High: The voting software-application can be installed on any computer. “The Dutch Electoral Council has not set up any security baseline for this”. No baseline is high risk, seriously? Using this thought e.g. all internet banking websites are also insecure because you can use it on any PC. Google is also a high risk website, you can use it on every PC. In een democratie zou je natuurlijk graag deze software geinstalleerd willen zien op een pc die al besmet is. 8 High: The insecure, old and deprecated SHA1 hash algorithm is used everywhere in the software. I agree that is deprecated. But high risk? If I give you a sha1sum, can you calculate collision for me? Mee eens. 9 High: The voting software stores voting results in an unencrypted XML file. What’s the issue of using unencrypted files for public data? Non-issue if integrity is adequately verified. Eens. 13 High: Non encrypted USB sticks are used. What’s the issue of using unencrypted USB thumb drives? Non-issue if e.g. digital ...

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