Abuse Melding

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16-03-2017, 20:16 door Spiff has left the building

Door karma4, 18:44 uur, bijgewerkt 19:12 uur: update: heb ik toch het hele verhaal voor je: https://ico.org.uk/media/action-weve-taken/mpns/2013678/mpn-data-breach-barrister-20170316.pdf Ha, dankjewel, de link naar pdf-document had ik stomheidshalve over het hoofd gezien in het ICO artikel. Uit dat pdf-document: 12. The desktop computer was password protected but the files were unencrypted. 15. Ms xxxxx-'s husband wanted to update the software on the desktop computer. On 19 September 2015, he temporarily uploaded Ms xxxxx's files (725 documents) to an online directory to back them up. He assumed that the documents were safe. 16. However, the documents were visible to an internet search engine and 15 of the documents contained in the folders were cached and indexed. This meant that a document could be easily accessed using a recognisable word, such as a name. Duidelijk. Slechte combinatie. Zij had geen encryptie toegepast, en hij kopieerde ter backup naar een online directory. Nogmaals bedankt voor het ...

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