Abuse Melding

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07-09-2017, 14:50 door Anoniem

Als ik de europese wetgeving goed begrijp, dan *moet* cash geaccepteerd worden (in normale gevallen): http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-10-92_en.htm?locale=en 3. Can a retailer refuse euro banknotes and coins as means of payment in the Euro Area? One of the main features of the legal tender status is the **mandatory acceptance**. A retailer should not refuse cash unless the refusal is based on reasons related to the good faith principle, for example when the retailer does not have enough euro cash to give the change back; or when there is a disproportion between the amount to be paid and the face value of the banknote. The refusal of cash payments cannot be permanent. Such a practice would be contrary to the Recommendation and to the very concept of legal tender.

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