Abuse Melding

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13-03-2018, 19:33 door karma4

Effe googlen.... https://www.epic1.org/Portals/0/Articles/StateofTheProgram2017Providers.pdf?ver=2017-01-11-091854-673 "The team has also begun focusing its efforts on the first two go-lives: BJC Medical Group (June 1, 2017) " "Academic: Single go-live for Barnes-Jewish Hospital (BJH), Barnes- Jewish West County (BJWCH), and St. Louis Children’s Hospital (SLCH) 06/02/2018" Het is een aparte site over invoering epic van BJC https://www.epic1.org/Program-Overview Typisch is dat de hele omzetting van recente datum is. Even een backupje van het oude systeem ....?

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