Abuse Melding

Je hebt een klacht over de onderstaande posting:

12-06-2018, 18:47 door Anoniem

Eric Schmidt Leaving Google to Create Robot Army with Motorola? In this video update, ‘Thomas’ and ‘Betsy’ explain the treasonous background of Google’s Eric Schmidt, the corporate structure changes, the reason he just stepped down, and his integral part in the ultimate Illuminati strategy—which will never come to pass. And in another thread to the tapestry of control and subterfuge… a warning that folks need to be aware of the dangers of technology. Technology is a hook. Once you bite, they reel you in, as supported by the revelation this week about Apple products’ planned obsolescence. I’ve been discussing PO for years, and if you think it only applies to Apple, think again. The scam applies to things as simple as a light bulb. They know how to make a bulb that will last almost forever but we are groomed to consume and they know how to string us along and guarantee repeat customers to keep their coffers full. From cheap household products to plastic parts in cars to televisions that ...

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