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09-08-2018, 16:58 door Anoniem

Interessant TempleOS is a free, public domain, open source, x86_64, non-preemptive multi-tasking, multi-cored, ring-0-only, single-address-map (identity-mapped), non-networked, PC operating system. Paging is, basically, not used. The CIA encourages code obsfucation. They make it more complicated than necessary. TempleOS is, literally, more simple than necessary. It is obnoxiously simple... to the point it hurts. This "Hello World" joke, the BMP file format and the WAV file format show that the industry is really screwed-up! That's what TempleOS fixes. I capped the line-of-code count at 100,000 and God said it must be perfect, so it will never be an ugly monstrocity. It is currently 80,849 lines of unblemished code. Backward compatibility is not promised. Normally, failure is not an option, but since TempleOS accompanies Windows or Linux, we exclude certain uses. There is no reason to duplicate browsing, multimedia, desktop publishing, etc. Linux wants to be a secure, multi-user ...

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