Abuse Melding

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05-02-2019, 09:19 door PietdeVries

Het gaat om een specifieke familie van Ubiquiti als ik het goed lees - de airOS/airMAX. There has been some discussion lately about a bug in airOS which can result in management access to airOS devices becoming inoperable until these devices are rebooted. This issue appears to be caused by external access to airOS devices using port 10001. As a temporary workaround for this issue while it is being investigated and resolved by the development team, network operators can block port 10001 at the network perimeter. To our current knowledge, this issue cannot be used to gain control of network devices or to create a DDoS attack. If this situation changes, this notice will be updated. https://community.ubnt.com/t5/airMAX-General-Discussion/airOS-airMAX-and-management-access/td-p/2654023

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