Abuse Melding

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09-04-2020, 08:11 door Anoniem

Zojuist gehoord op de radio dat er aanstaande zaterdag een Argos uitzending [0] is over een Europese evenknie van het Five Eyes verbond. Dit is gebaseerd op een rapport geschreven door Bart Jacobs genaamd "Maximator: European signals intelligence cooperation, from a Dutch perspective" Abstract: This article is first to report on the secret European five-partner sigint alliance Maximator that started in the late 1970s. It discloses the name Maximator and provides documentary evidence. The five members of this European alliance are Danmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, and France. The cooperation involves both signals analysis and crypto analisis. The Maximator alliance has remained secret for almost fifty years, in contrast to its Anglo-Saxon Five-Eyes counterpart. The existence of this European sigint alliance gives a novel perspective on western sigint collaborations in the late twentieth century. The article explains and illustrates, with relatively much attention for the cryptographic details, how ...

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