Abuse Melding

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21-10-2020, 16:38 door Anoniem

Door Anoniem: Following years of advertising itself as a company that puts users first, Apple has increasingly aligned itself with oppressive governments and curtailed digital freedom. There was a time when Apple portrayed itself as a rebellious alternative to giants like Microsoft. Today, Apple has become a monopoly, crushing potential competitors with exploitative fees and conducting censorship on behalf of dictators. How Apple uses anti-competitive practices to extort developers and support authoritarian regimes Posted on June 22, 2020 by Andy Yen https://protonmail.com/blog/apple-app-store-antitrust/ Andy Yen is de oprichter en CEO van ProtonMail, dat statutair in Zwitserland is gevestigd. Hij komt oorspronkelijk uit Taiwan, is lange tijd voorstander van privacyrechten en heeft gesproken op TED, SXSW en de Asian Investigative Journalism Conference over online privacykwesties. Voorheen was Andy onderzoeker bij het CERN in Genève en promoveerde hij op deeltjesfysica aan de Harvard University. Ik snap ...

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