Abuse Melding

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19-06-2004, 01:33 door Anoniem

jullie moeten eens leren van alle teksten te lezen die er geschreven worden over bv DSO.dan had je de goede tip gelezen:Have "Search & Destroy" look for problems the usual way and then (1) highlight one of the "Data source object exploit" items, (2) Right click the highlighted item to bring up the menu list and select "More details", (3) Now click "Jump to location", (4) You are now viewing the Registry and can use the path shown in the Search & Destroy window to get to the key shown, (5) I manually deleted each of 5 keys and no longer have it coming back. I haven't noticed any change in performance so I trust that I did no harm but I am happy not to have the d**ned thing any more. doe hetzelde voor shoptoestand.:)

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