Abuse Melding

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15-04-2021, 00:17 door Anoniem

Even mijn paranoia bril af en met een andere bril bekeken om te snappen wat je bedoelt: Blijkbaar lag die hoteleigenaar en zijn familie al langer onder vuur. Je hebt maar 1 of 2 gekken nodig bij zo'n 300 man sterk antifascisten clubje die bijeenkomsten van ultrarechts willen verstoren door een derde partij aan te vallen. Dit heb ik op internet gevonden: Afterwards the sons of the owner of hotel Cosmopolite said to a newspaper: Quote: "Two years ago we also had a fire in our home furnishing shop in Leerdam. By now it has almost been rebuilt. We have almost finished the job. We thought we could quieten down a little. But now we have this fire in Kedichem again. It was an unexpected blow. For me and my brother it only means a material damage of about a hundred thousand dollars. But for our father it goes much deeper. He feels it as an attack on his life”. This attack happened during Easter weekend, on the 29th of March 1986, but the movement in the Kedichem case came to a standstill two months later.

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