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26-05-2021, 18:09 door Anoniem

The New York state attorney general issued a report on a scheme by “U.S. Companies and Partisans [to] Hack Democracy.” ... It was a concerted attack on another core element of US democracy ­– the ability of citizens to express their voice to their political representatives. And it was carried out by generating millions of fake comments and fake emails purporting to come from real citizens. ... The big telecommunications companies paid millions of dollars to specialist “AstroTurf” companies to generate public comments. These companies then stole people’s names and email addresses from old files and from hacked data dumps and attached them to 8.5 million public comments and half a million letters to members of Congress. ... When the floodgates open, democratic speech is in danger of drowning beneath a tide of fake letters and comments, tweets and Facebook posts. bron: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/05/ais-and-fake-comments.html

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