Abuse Melding

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15-09-2021, 00:59 door Anoniem

Door Rotsmoel:Verantwoordelijkheid nemen is gewoon erg moeilijk voor veel mensen. Communicatie probleem. Dat komt door onvoldoende en/of onjuiste informatie over covid vaccins bij die 1.8 miljoen personen. "Lack of vaccine acceptance is associated with lack of trust in authorities and scientists, conspiratorial thinking and a lack of concern about COVID-19. https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/11/6/e048172 Daar valt ook de tolerantie van complot propaganda onder: "In terms of preventing an epidemic,misinformation is devastating. If we want citizens to act appropriately,it is vital that their attention is directed towards the authorities and that they have faith in them. Conspiracy theories undermine both things" https://pure.au.dk/portal/files/181464339/The_unpleasant_truth_is_the_best_protection_against_coronavirus_Michael_Bang_Petersen.pdf

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