Abuse Melding

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12-10-2021, 21:11 door Anoniem

Natural immunity is science. Just not the revenue generating kind. Wordt het nodige onderzoek naar gedaan, hieronder een klein lijstje van vele vele artikelen. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.06.01.21258176v2 This study followed 52,238 employees of the Cleveland Clinic Health System in Ohio. For previously-infected people, the cumulative incidence of re-infection “remained almost zero.” According to the study, "Not one of the 1,359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a [Covid-19] infection over the duration of the study” and vaccination did not reduce the risk. “Individuals who have had [Covid-19] infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination,” concludes the study scientists. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/27/10/21-1427_article Attack rate was 0/6 among persons with a previous history of COVID-19 versus 63.2% among those with no previous history. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8253687/ This study followed 254 Covid-19 patients ...

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