Abuse Melding

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31-12-2021, 09:44 door Anoniem

Tekst van een site van/voor developers. Zou het publiek hier toch aan moeten spreken. "I don’t remember when I’ve used Log4j the first time, but it was long years ago and just like the hundreds of thousands of Java developers who imported the library into their codebase, I’ve just trusted this de facto logging solution and I’ve never imagined that it will cause such noise or such trouble one day. Yes, I know, it may sound like madness for an outsider, that such a huge tribe has used blindly this package in their codebase, but I think that Friedrich Nietzsche has an interesting description of madness that suits this case: “Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages, it is the rule.” Hebben we toch nog de diepere oorzaak van deze ellende gevonden: Groupthink. https://betterprogramming.pub/whats-the-hype-with-log4j-2de7a64f221?gi=b98f15131a3d

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