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12-03-2024, 18:11 door Anoniem

Door Anoniem: Zie https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/05/movement-ban-government-use-face-recognition In the three years since San Francisco passed its first-of-a-kind ban on government use of facial recognition, at least 16 more municipalities, from Oakland to Boston, have followed their lead. Bovenstaand artikel van de EFF dateert van 5 mei 2022. De inhoud is inmiddels door de feiten achterhaald: San Francisco stemt voor meer politiesurveillance via drones en camera's donderdag 7 maart 2024, 12:27 door Redactie https://www.security.nl/posting/832879/San+Francisco+stemt+voor+meer+politiesurveillance+via+drones Scott McKenzie - 1967 - San Francisco For those who come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in there In the streets of San Francisco Gentle people with flowers in their hair

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