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13-03-2024, 09:36 door EersteEnigeEchte M.J. - EEEMJ

Nog een voorbeeld van onserieusheid, in dit geval in de vorm van incongruentie tussen woorden en daden, dat wil zeggen: een attitude waarbij woorden en daden niet met elkaar overeenkomen, ondanks de grote consequenties van het verzuim om de eerder gesproken woorden op te volgen met daden: No big North Sea fossil fuel country has plan to stop drilling in time for 1.5C goal UK, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Denmark have failed to align oil and gas policies with Paris pledges, say campaigners. None of the big oil and gas producers surrounding the North Sea plan to stop drilling soon enough to meet the 1.5C (2.7F) global heating target, a report has found. The five countries – the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark – have failed to align their oil and gas policies with their climate promises under the Paris agreement, according to the campaign group Oil Change International. (...) The report criticised the Netherlands for looking to increase its oil and gas production (...). The five ...

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