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Email scams

25-02-2004, 11:49 door Anoniem, 14 reacties
Ik probeer een verzameling te maken van email scams, als jullie er 1
hebben, willen jullie die dan posten????
Reacties (14)
25-02-2004, 11:59 door SirDice
25-02-2004, 12:02 door Anoniem
Wat wil je ermee? Justitie in Nederland is in slaap gevallen, de politie
werkt alleen 5 dagen in de week en de politiek mekkert maar door in
de Tweede Kamer...dus?
25-02-2004, 12:28 door Anoniem
Beste Postbank Klant!
Als deel van onze vergaande verplichting om
uw account te beschermen en om fraude op onze
website te verminderen, ondernemen wij een kort
onderzoek naar onze lidmaatschap accounts. U wordt
gevraagd om onze site te bezoeken door op onderstaande
link te klikken. Dit is nodig voor ons om door te gaan met
het aanbieden van een veilige en risicoloze omgeving om
online geld te versturen en te ontvangen, en de Post bank
gewaarwording te behouden. Na verificatie wordt u naar de
Postbank home pagina gestuurd. Dank u.
25-02-2004, 15:29 door Anoniem
Door Anoniem
Wat wil je ermee? Justitie in Nederland is in slaap
gevallen, de politie
werkt alleen 5 dagen in de week en de politiek mekkert maar
door in
de Tweede Kamer...dus?

Ik kan het bijvoorbeeld posten naar de verscheide
instantiesl (trouwens degene van de postbank scam, dank u)
25-02-2004, 15:37 door Anoniem
zoek gewoon op deze site, zoekwoord: "phishing", en "scam"
25-02-2004, 16:01 door Anoniem
op deze site is niet zoveel te vinden...ik heb het liefst
persoonlijke scam, dus mensen die deze mails echt binnen
hebben gekregen....
27-02-2004, 11:13 door Anoniem
In google usenet nieuwsgroep nl.internet.misbruik staat ook
een heleboel, waaronder die van postbank ;-)
Verder veel buitenlandse en 419 scam!!!!
27-02-2004, 11:27 door Anoniem
Wel knap gedaan die Postbank scam.. een argeloze
postbankgebruiker zou er zo intrappen denk ik zomaar.
11-03-2004, 14:13 door Anoniem
Ja precies, daarom moet er ook wat aan gedaan worden!!!!
SCAM = een argeloze internetter worst NIGHTMARE
14-03-2004, 20:59 door Anoniem
Hallo iedereen, ik heb nu 2 emailtjes ontvangen die ik hieronder zal
vermelden. Ik weet niet wat ik ermee aanmoet en ik weet eigenlijk niet eens
of het wel iets met een scam te maken heeft. Maar volgens mij zit er een
luchtje aan. Ten eerste staan er veel te veel stomme taalfouten in voor
iemand die Amerikaan is en ten tweede lijkt het mij enigzins onlogisch dat
iemand zo vaag kan zijn voor een ogenschijnlijk goed doel. Graag verneem ik
van jullie of er nog meer zijn die zulksoortige emailtjes hebben ontvangen.
======email 1========
How are you?my names are: (name*) i am 26 years old, i strongly have
interest on international penpals friendship,which i think no religion,
belive,nationality,colour races has nothing with it,friendship,which i
believe is a way of bringing people together to share ideas,i think is the
best solution to the problems of our world in general,which we live. I
believe our friendship will yield good fruits for the benefit of the human
race.I am a sigle lady never married.I will been in Africa in APRIL 2004,if
the Almight God permint,Presently,i am a part-time worker with GLOBAL
MISSION OF YOUTH MOVEMENT, United states.Becos i doing management
For your information i am a member of the organisering committe of both
youth combine conference takeing place in the US and Africa.I want both to
make this trip.only if you don,t mind, i want this relationship to last,but
depend as you take it.only we should been faithful to each other in all our
doing.I hate delay and procrastination. Hope to read you soon,regarding your
======einde email 1=======
* Ik heb de naam verwijderd.
======email 2=======
How are you doing and the weekend?thanks for the adeal of assisting the
African.must time life goes that know, life generaly is a garden of
treasure and a Garden is typifies pleasure,abundance and fulfilment.The
dictionary difines garden as a pieces of ground used for growing things such
as flowers fruit,vegetable etc.The friendship garden has to been planted by i
and you,because the friendship garden operate in the mind of human we
have to put the best use to enable us get maximum yield out of it,when we
have to been open minded to each other, the out put wil be affected
positively.The treasure in friendship or relationship,i want you to belive
that,friendship is not just an ordinary garden,but it shall been a relationship
full of treasure,traesure as you know, is a highly value object,when the
treasure in penpals friendship are properly harnessed both are bound to
enjoy sucess but must treasure are buried under the ground and they have to
dug out befor they ca n be of any use,you have to belive that, those treasure
and then consciously dig them out befor you can know the value of them,mind
you,the act of diging require
labour,diligence,wisdom,understanding,determination there can been no
achievement without demand.The strenght that both require in this digging to
achieve this treasure can been supplied by both effort and ability.I want you to
been a part of this event. Like as I have already informed you in my previous
mail about my job studies.I am Living alone at my own apartment given to
me by my father. I am the second child of my parents. My parent have two
children, I and and my brother name is (name)*, The name of my father's is
(name)* mum is (name)*. my Dad is one of the senior personal of US
department of information&a mp;n bs p;maimi florida. while my mother
worked in the white house ,I am yet single,my Interests are: meeting people,
tv, films, esp. from the Antipodes. writing letters, animals,
swimming,,music,singing, .I don't realy like delay, that is slugglishness and
procrastinating, I hate unfaithfullness. I love some one who is trustworthy and
does not smoke nor drink acohole.well,I leave it to your own imagination what
will hapen! Some times I am always busy with the job activities during the
Refugee resettlement program.I have travelled to many countries arround the
globe in our course of visiting some refugee camps in other countries .I will
be attending a combined conference in Africa by APRIL .The conference is
scheduled to take place in US first and follow by the one in Africa. I am one of
the organisers of the forth coming youth combined conferences taking place
in the US from 27TH TO 30TH APRIL,in Guine-Bissau,West Africa from 2ND
MAY TO 5TH 2004 This conference was planned at last year international
year of volunteer To been take place by APRIL.We are inviting five delegates
from each, the selected countries arround the world. In our request to invite
youths from the selected countries, I went in search of e-mail on the website
as a means of contacting youths and organisations in these countries . I
picked your e-mail from a penpal website.You will assist us in relating to one
of the existing youths organisation in your country to contact the conference
secretariat in the US through this Fax through this Fax (faxnummer)* EMail
(emailadres)* .Also before they could be considered for participation in this
most esteemed event, their organisation will have to forward to the above
address the following requirement.
( 1) The organisation profile
2) The Aims and Objectives of the organisation

3) Theie achievements so far. With this information put into consideration by
the organising committee , They will be officially invited to participate in
this .Our independent donor will take care of all their flight tickets and their
accommodation throught their stay in the US and the organising committee
will process the US visa for all participants requiring entry visas to the US .
Participants will only take care of their accommodation during the other event
in Guine-Bissau. As one of the organisers I knew not of anybody from your
country. Hence my writing to you is to gain assess to any youth organisation
in your country. If you are interested to participate and wants to represent your
country, you should contact the secretary to the organiser for detail
information on registration procedures and inform the organiser that I
recommended you.You will need not to forward the above requirement for
your group or organis ation , hence I will give your recommedation to the
secretary.You are to contact the organiser as soon as possible as all
participants visa request will be forwarded to the US Bureau of Immigrant
Affairs for Authorisation the same day. Any group visa request not forwarded
on that same day withothers will miss the the visa assistance.You are to form
a group of five persons. Your group can be of different nationalities but all
should be leaving in the same country for easy US visa assistance. I am
looking forward to seeing you.Please i attach my picture. Bye (name)**.
======einde email 2=======
**andere naam dan de eerste keer
14-03-2004, 21:27 door Anoniem
Nog een keer van dezelfde persoon als die het lange stuk gepost heeft. Ik
heb een website gevonden die ongeveer dezelfde emailtjes ontvangen heeft.
Kijk hier maar eens:
27-03-2004, 19:03 door Anoniem
Ik heb een mail ontvangen van een penpal in Kenya en is denk ik een scam,
het triest is dat zij een weeshuis runt voor aids kinderen in Kenya


I hereby kindly request you to search for me the above organisation whether it
exist in US. They had invited me for a conference scheduled for March, 25th -
28th, 2004 and another to take place in Guine-Bissau in April, 2nd - 5th, 2004.
For the conference in US, they said, the organisation will carter for Air Ticket &
Accommodation. But the Guine-Bissau, participants had to carter for
accommodation but the Air Ticket the Organisation will stand for that. The rule
FROM US. I did as per the above. Only after I had paid for my hotel in Guine-
Bissau(HOTEL DE PRACA, $295 USD for 5 nights @ $59 USD per night) and
submitted the receipts, Then the US IMMIGRANTS OFFICE asked the
Participants to Pay $500 USD(as asurerity that I'll come back to Africa after the
conference and the cash will be refunded at the end of the conference in
Guine-Bissau). The $500 USD failed me for my visa to be processed from US
and issuing of Aticket.

I kindly request you to let me know if that is the new rule for immigration and
find out for me if such an organisation really exists and if the Conference if
now taking place as scheduled.

Your consideration, understanding and assistance will be highly appreciated.
27-03-2004, 19:11 door Anoniem
Ik heb inmiddels ook voor de betalings specificatie gevraagd en de originele
mail, zodra ik deze heb komt hier volledig incusief de naam, met uitzondering
van de naam van de penpal
27-03-2004, 19:15 door Anoniem
was vergeten het mail adres van de scam de vermelden


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