Abuse Melding

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27-06-2008, 16:37 door Bitwiper

[font=Arial]Naast ATP en verschillende NL sites (zie [url=http://www.security.nl/article/18831/1/68%25_malware_op_legitieme_websites_aangetroffen.html]1 en [url=http://www.security.nl/article/18953/1/Microsoft_luidt_noodklok_over_SQL-injectie_aanvallen.html]2) worden ook bedrijven gekraakt die pretenderen te weten hoe het wel moet, zoals Interactive Business Systems (IBS) die onder meer security infrastructures zegt te realiseren. Op hun 'Design & Implementation' webpage (http://www.ibs.com/services/infrastructure/design_implementation.asp) staat onder meer: Security measures must be balanced against usability Internet connections, remote users and wireless devices bring important security issues to network infrastructure design. To accommodate these channels, enterprises have to choose security measures that don't impede effective usage of their networks. The IBS approach to architecting security balances appropriate technological and policy measures with each client's data protection needs. Our ...

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