Abuse Melding

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23-11-2011, 14:44 door meh

Oke, dat Blowfish niet wordt ondersteund dat snap ik wel, Bill Scheier (de auteur van BF) stelt zelf dat je dan nog beter Twofish kan gebruiken. Maar wat ik niet begrijp is waarom de keuze voor PolarSSL is gemaakt. En ik snap niet waarom ze nu aes-256-cbc gebruiken terwijl daar door Bill het volgende over wordt gezegd: Cryptography is all about safety margins. If you can break n round of a cipher, you design it with 2n or 3nrounds. What we’re learning is that the safety margin of AES is much less than previously believed. And while there is no reason to scrap AES in favor of another algorithm, NST should increase the number of rounds of all three AES variants. At this point, I suggest AES-128 at 16 rounds, AES-192 at 20 rounds, and AES-256 at 28 rounds. Or maybe even more; we don’t want to be revising the standard again and again.And for new applications I suggest that people don’t use AES-256. AES-128 provides more than enough security margin for the forseeable future. But if you’re already using ...

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