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07-02-2013, 14:11 door Anoniem

idee is volgens mij dat men gaat denken dat Microsoft de oprichter is van Scroogle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scroogle). Overigens heeft Microsoft zelf de benodigde clausules al in zijn Outlook.com terms. "3.3. What does Microsoft do with my content? When you upload your content to the services, you agree that it may be used, modified, adapted, saved, reproduced, distributed, and displayed to the extent necessary to protect you and to provide, protect and improve Microsoft products and services. For example, we may occasionally use automated means to isolate information from email, chats, or photos in order to help detect and protect against spam and malware, or to improve the services with new features that makes them easier to use. When processing your content, Microsoft takes steps to help preserve your privacy." Die laatste zin kan natuurlijk op allerlei verschillende manieren worden geinterpreteert

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