Abuse Melding

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27-04-2020, 13:45 door karma4

Door Erik van Straten: … M.b.t. privacy: in [1] vind je m.i. goed leesbare informatie over de privacyaspecten van de Australische app, op basis van een onderzoek uitgevoerd door de juridische firma Maddocks, PDF: [2]. …] Dank je, wat doorgewerkt. Let even op: " No reader should rely on the material contained in this document without seeking legal advice" Dat i zo te zien duidelijk wel gebeurt gezien no 3: '" We also recommend that Health continue to seek advice, including through consultation with AGD, the OAIC and the AHRC as appropriate, as to whether there are additional legislative or other measures that could be put in place to protect rights of individuals who decide not to use the App (for example, circumstances in which a particular individual does feel pressured to download the App (e.g. a supermarket insisting on customers showing that they are using the App before being permitted to enter the store; or an employer insisting that their employees demonstrate that they are using the App before ...

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