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17-06-2021, 12:10 door [Account Verwijderd]

Door Anoniem: Door Anoniem: Het lukt mij niet om het originele artikel te vinden op Fight for the Future website. As LGBTQ+ people around the world celebrate Pride Month, new report from Fight for the Future and GreatFire shows how Apple’s App Store monopoly enables government crackdowns on LGBTQ+ content https://www.fightforthefuture.org/news/2021-06-14-apple-is-enabling-censorship-of-lgbtq-apps-in-152/ Update: Despite what this study claims, it does appear that Grindr and Scruff are both available worldwide in the App Store. Apple says that the report contains other inaccuracies as well. https://9to5mac.com/2021/06/15/app-store-lgbtq-censorship-countries-app-store/ Dank voor deze bijdrage. De discussie wordt breder nu Apple een weerwoord in de openbaarheid brengt. In je laatste geposte link lees ik: ...Developers oftentimes will preemptively remove an app from certain locations due to legal concerns or to protect their users... Het is politiek/maatschappelijk/juridisch interessant om te weten wat ...

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