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Phatbot maker in verband gebracht met gestolen sourcecode van Half-life2

16-05-2004, 21:35 door Anoniem, 2 reacties
Phatbot Trojan Suspect Linked To Half-Life 2 Code Theft?
Posted by simoniker on 16.05.2004 21:12
Thanks to Gamers With Jobs for its story claiming possible links between the
theft of the Half-Life 2 code and the Phatbot trojan writer, following the arrest of
the alleged Phatbot creator in Germany last week, as the site claims,
regarding "Axel G., 21 years old and known under the nick 'Ago'", that
"German IT news mag did some investigation (link) and
according to their research Axel G. probably also was heavily
involved in the Half-Life 2 code theft that happened more than 7 months ago",
pointing particularly to an IRC log, available on a Half-Life 2 leak page since
late last year, which has Ago allegedly saying "[Download speed] suxx,
especially from valve to germany... i coded myself my own sourcesafe client to
get it at full speed... i only used a simple null-session to a pc in valves net, that
wasnt directly controlled by valve."
Reacties (2)
17-05-2004, 15:23 door Anoniem
Door Anoniem
i only used a simple null-session to a pc in valves net, that
wasnt directly controlled by valve."
Mag je dan wel spreken van een computerinbraak? Aangezien er
klaarblijkelijk geen enkele veiligheidsvoorziening is gebroken?
17-05-2004, 16:34 door Anoniem
Zover ik weet is de nederlandse wetgeving zo, dat als je ongevraagd in en
ander zijn computer komt en veranderingen maakt, dat er in dat geval sprake
is van computer criminaliteit/inbraak.

Deze posting is gelocked. Reageren is niet meer mogelijk.