Computerbeveiliging - Hoe je bad guys buiten de deur houdt

Can Airport Body Scanners Stop Terrorist Attacks?

06-01-2010, 10:23 door Syzygy, 3 reacties
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Groet Syzygy

It was an inevitable outcome of the failed attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to blow up a plane over Detroit on Christmas Day: the fact the would-be bomber succeeded in boarding a flight with explosive powder sewn into his underwear has sparked new calls in the U.S. and Europe to dramatically step up security at airports.

(See pictures of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.)

Much of the attention in Europe has focused on the installation of full-body scanners, which produce X-ray-like images that can reveal if there are packages concealed beneath a passenger's clothing. Last week, the Netherlands said it would introduce compulsory body scans for all passengers at Dutch airports as soon as possible. Just days later, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown followed suit, announcing that the scanners would also be introduced at airports in the U.K. However, the two countries may be on their own — other European Union members are hesitant to spend the money to install the scanners amid concerns over privacy violations and the effectiveness of the machines.
One of the main criticisms of the scanners, which have already been installed at 19 airports in the U.S., is that they cannot detect low-density materials such as powders, liquids, thin pieces of plastic or anything that resembles skin. Nor can they detect any explosives concealed internally. Some politicians and aviation experts have questioned whether the scanners would have detected the powder that Abdulmutallab carried on board Northwest Flight 253. Ben Wallace, a British Conservative Parliament member who was involved in a defense firm's testing of the technology, said over the weekend that the scanners probably wouldn't have picked up the powder. But proponents of the system disagree. Dutch Interior Minister Guusje ter Horst told a news conference last week that he believed the technology would have worked. "Our view now is that the use of millimeter-wave scanners would certainly have helped detect that he had something on his body, but you can never give 100% guarantees," he said.

(See the top 10 crime stories of 2009.)

Scott Stewart, vice president of tactical intelligence at the global consultancy Stratfor, says that no matter what type of technology is used at airports, creative terrorists will always find ways to get around it. "Look at prison systems, where searches are far more invasive — they still can't stop contraband from being smuggled into the system," he tells TIME. But when it comes to the full-body scanners, Stewart says the bigger concern is that authorities may be diverting scarce security resources away from more proven measures, like training airport staff to detect suspicious behaviors in would-be attackers before they board planes. "We have a tendency to over-rely on technology, especially Americans, instead of human intelligence," he says.

(Read "Air Security Rules: Are We Any Safer?")

Opponents also argue that the scanners are an invasion of privacy because, in addition to concealed packages, they can also reveal the curves of a person's body on screens viewed by security officers. One British politician, Philip Bradbourn, has likened it to a "virtual strip search." "[The] technology has the potential to turn a legitimate security concern into an unacceptable peepshow for security industries," the Conservative said in 2008.
Some E.U. airports, including Schiphol in Amsterdam and Heathrow in London, already offer passengers the option of walking through a body scanner instead of undergoing a physical pat-down search. But in 2008, when the European Commission suggested devising regulations on the use of scanners in the E.U., European Parliament members voted overwhelmingly in support of a resolution calling the machines an affront to passengers' rights. The Commission has since launched a study on whether the scanners violate people's privacy, but the results have yet to be released.
Even following the attempted attack on the Northwest flight, critics remain resolutely opposed to the machines. "A knee-jerk reaction which sees body scanners, with their known drawbacks of passenger delays and privacy threats, as a magic solution is a bad move," says Sarah Ludford, a British member of the European Parliament. "In the Christmas Day case, as in the 9/11 and 7/7 [London] bombings, the failure was not to join the dots of available information." Advocates of civil liberties agree. Simon Davies, director of the London-based human-rights watchdog Privacy International, describes the scanners as a "fashionable and unproven technology" and an "assault on the essential dignity of passengers that citizens in a free nation should not have to tolerate."

(See the top 10 scandals of 2009.)

But Stephen Phipson, president of Britain-based Smiths Detection, the world's largest maker of full-body scanners, insists that the machines only produce images that show the outlines of the human body, not anatomical parts. "The privacy concerns are valid," he says. "But our software can blur out parts of the body. And the scanners are far less intrusive than the traditional pat down of the body." At the U.S. airports where scanners have been installed, security officers must look at the images in isolated rooms and are not allowed to have any piece of equipment, such as a camera or mobile phone, that could be used to capture or copy the images.
The scanners are also priced at around $150,000 apiece, making cost a concern as well. Thousands would be needed to outfit all of the airports in Europe, not to mention the added expense of employing the personnel required to operate them. And in contrast to the U.S., where the Federal Government provides funding for airport security, European airports must cover their own security budgets.
Find out why it's not easy to detonate a bomb on board.

Read more:,8599,1951529,00.html#ixzz0bp3ZrlR8
Reacties (3)
06-01-2010, 11:29 door Anoniem
Simpel antwoord op de topic titel, nee.
Er blijven tal van manieren over om een aanslag te plegen.
06-01-2010, 11:38 door cpt_m_
Bedankt voor je informatie Syzygy.

Als reactie op dit artikel ben ik van mening dat het géén zin heeft onbewezen techniek in te zetten,
Zoals in het artikel duidelijk wordt omschreven loopt er nog een studie naar het behoud van pricacy.
(The Commission has since launched a study on whether the scanners violate people's privacy, but the results have yet to be released.) Maar toch worden ze al geplaatst.

Zoals eerder aangegeven:
- Analyseer het proces dus waarom heeft deze man toch na verschillende controlepunten ontploffingsmateriaal aan board gekregen.
- Wat zijn de verschillende opties die dit proces kunnen voorkomen.
- wat zijn de voor en nadelen van deze opties
- gebruik de kennis en meningen vanuit verschillende invalshoeken, etc etc

Ik vraag me af of de Body Scanner niet te snel is ingezet en er dus niet gekeken is naar de eventuele nadelen en voordelen.
Ik vraag me ook af of het ontploffingsmateriaal daadwerkelijk gezien zou zijn door een Body Scanner? Of is de Body Scanner gewoon een snel antwoord van onze nederlandse luchthavens?

Ik ben ook van mening dat privacy een belangrijk item is.
Maar zoals Stephen Phipson zegt: er is geen sprake van privacy schending omdat:
a. afbeeldingen van de mens alleen de contouren aangeven en niet op anatomisch niveau
b. bekijken van de afbeeldingen gebeurt in een gesloten ruimte
c. de persoon in de ruimte mag geen materiaal gebruiken zoals mobiele telefoons met camera en camera's

Reactie op punt A, Stephen geeft aan dat de privacy punten terecht zijn maar hun software kan bepaalde lichaamsdelen vervagen. Dit roept bij mij een aantal vragen op:
1. is het dan toch mogelijk dat mensen bepaalde materialen naar binnen kunnen smokkelen omdat bepaalde plaatsen op het lichaam "vervaagt" worden.
2. gaat deze optie ook daadwerkelijk gebruikt worden.

Algemene vraag: worden de gescande afbeeldingen bewaard en gekoppeld aan persoon?

En zoals Scott Stewart aangeeft ben ik ook van mening dat het 100% beveiligen met behulp van apparaat niet mogelijk is.
Ik denk eerder dat het trainen van personeel en daarbij het gebruik van bewezen apparatuur de best mogelijk combinatie is.
06-01-2010, 12:01 door Syzygy
Wat ik me ook afvraag is wat gebeurt er als iemand ondanks zo'n scan toch zaken aan boord brengt (en vervolgens betrapt wordt)
wat gaan ze dan weer verzinnen.
Kans is ook dat je eerdaags leest: Terrorist wist zich aan boord te voorzien van springstof die door een medewerker van de gronddienst (of technicus) van luchthaven XYZ in het toestel was verstopt.
Dan zwenkt de camera meteen weer de andere kant op

Dit apparaat is door de media zo opgeklopt als zijnde het Ultieme wapen tegen terrorisme.

Deze posting is gelocked. Reageren is niet meer mogelijk.